< Mission #254 >

  • City Eindhoven was supplied by a train
  • Airfield in Hilversum was supplied by air transport to 100%
  • City Verviers was supplied by convoy
  • City Venlo was supplied by convoy
  • Defense in Arnhem was damaged
  • Defense in Koln was damaged
  • Depot in Ladbergen was damaged to 38%
  • Supply convoy advancing to Arnhem was destroyed
  • Supply convoy advancing to Koln was destroyed

Pilots in mission #254

Name Flight time AK GK Deaths
72AG_lnf2h 17m0510
Coldman1h 5m0230
SV7_Greizle942h 6m0210
IRRE_Alcolix2h 14m0190
72AG_Vovka1h 54m0180
72AGs_Patriot2h 21m0151
IRRE_Fizz411h 11m0110
Ala13_Zetas1h 14m090
IRRE_CaMeL_BaG1h 46m080
IRRE_Nyechou0h 58m080
Mad_Mikhael1h 9m070
=LD=dhyran1h 25m060
IRRE_LeLong0h 56m050
FABR_The_Jester0h 49m050
72AGs_miky2h 28m040
EMS2/4_Cyrene1h 18m041
todeskvlt0h 35m040
Dietrich0h 29m040
IRRE_Genius0h 56m031
72AGs_Shel0h 54m030
E69_Lefra0h 50m030
102nd-YU-Trajce0h 27m031
InvlntryCmdr0h 18m031
long-nez0h 15m030
IRRE_SiSKA0h 44m020
=LD=Stache0h 41m020
=OPFR=the_rooster0h 29m020
Ribinski0h 26m020
kolobok711h 6m010
IRRE_Belmont1h 1m010
IRRE_Batdaf0h 27m010
-AZAF-Lev150h 18m011
JGr8_Kappe0h 54m000
=DW=_wolfpaw0h 46m000
EMS2/4_kerlir0h 29m000
=WBR=_Bogie60h 28m000
floredfish3110h 10m000